
Medication Ambivalence

Many people I know, and even I used to resist taking any kind of medication. This is especially true with prescription medication and those that affect mood, such as antidepressants. Looking back at the reasons I gave against taking antidepressants I realized that most of them were irrational and were based on irrational, culturally constructed beliefs. Through talking to people and personal experience, I devised a list of the most common reasons people give for- and against taking antidepressants.

Reasons People Give Against Taking Antidepressants

• Shortcut, does not involve work. Like plastic surgery
• Not a “natural” solution
• Involves changing something in you. Feel uncomfortable because the better "you" isn’t actually you
• Fear of changes in personality
• Temporary solution
• Fear of dependency and getting addicted (possibly on other drugs as well)
• Fear of having to take it for the rest of your life
• Possible side effects, e.g., nausea, insomnia, sexual dysfunction
• Possible withdrawal effects (under 20% of cases)
• Possible tolerance development (in about 20% or case, antidepressants loose effectiveness)
• Distrust of the pharmaceutical industry
• Cost (can be anywhere from 5 to 100 dollars a month)
• If you stop you can relapse into the illness
• Stigma of taking prescription medication
• Don't want to admit that there is something wrong with you (that you are sick and it’s not under your control) rather than a lifestyle choice.

Reasons For Taking Antidepressants

• If the depression is severe, antidepressants are most effective (scientifically proven)
• A last resort, if alternative remedies have not worked
• Many potential benefits, such as the possibility of complete remission (no more depression)
• Changes in personality
 – Greater self-confidence and less anxiety
 – Greater resilience in the face of set-backs
 – More joy
 – Positive changes in careers and relationships

My Own Concerns:

My initiate concerns about taking medication (form my journal, April 2009):
  • May have adverse unanticipated effects that will cause me to become worse off than I already am
    • Can cause relapse when discontinued, and leave me with even worse symptoms
  • may be unsafe and useless
    • Only half of the people relieve half of their symptoms
  • May cause dependency
    • Especially if it has been used regularly for an extended time or if it has been used in high doses
  • Addresses the symptoms and not the problem
    • Pharmacological interventions are largely palliative
    • Paxil is a symptom suppressant and too many people are taking it under the false assumption that it will cure their ills
    • [Drugs] release people from personal accountability, where lifestyle and self-perception changes would serve better
  • Might interfere with therapy
    • Can interfere with the mechanisms of successful therapy.
  • Can change my state of mind (alter my perception of the world and myself).
    • It will cause me to lose judgment and my ability to control my emotions and actions by deforming my way of thinking and feeling. 
    • They were "spellbound" by the drugs themselves: by the pharmacological properties of the drugs themselves and by the professionals who convinced them that the drugs were going to help.
    • The person taking these drugs is and cannot be objective about the drugs
    • Since Paxil affects chemical communication in your body, your ability to perceive daily experiences or self identity can be affected.
Questions I Had For My Psychiatrist:
  • Q: What is the probability of full remission from the symptoms of depression?
  • Q: What are the probability, duration, and severity of Paxil withdrawal symptoms/discontinuation syndrome (when gradually decreasing the dose).
  • Q: What is the probability of getting physical and emotional symptoms that were not present prior to Paxilor worsened pre-existing symptoms—after withdrawing from the medication.
  • Q: For how long after quitting Paxil will I experience the side effects? (How long does it take for Paxil to be completely out of the system?)
    • Duration: 2/3 chance of symptoms subsiding within a month
  • Q:  Is there a test to predict susceptibility to dependence and likelihood of severe withdrawal symptoms, what they will be, and what the chance of relapse after I quit?
    • Cytochrome P450
    • CYP2D6
    • 5HTT (Serotonin Transporter)
  • Q: What is the probability of relapse after stopping medication?
  • Q: Why did my psychiatrist not inform me of the possibility of withdrawal symptoms when prescribing the antidepressant?
  • Q: If I miss a psychiatrist appointment, how do I ensure that I receive more of the medication, so I wont be forced to quit cold turkey and have withdrawal?
  • Q: What is the probability of developing tolerance?
    • approximately 20 percent of people who take antidepressants — the so-called "poop-out" effect. In such cases, the medications simply stop being effective.
  • Q: How will I know if I'll be taking this medication long-term?
  • Q: Are there harmful long-term effects, such as brain damage?


TBANG said...

Hi. I'm sorry to sorta intrude like this, but i believe I'm in the beginning stages of depression. As i was looking at the endless search results on treating depression, your blog came up (a long way in, but still there-and I will admit, I did try searching blogs as well). The information you have here is really helpful, but you mention getting professional treatment as soon as possible. The problem is I'm not the richest of people, and a psychiatrist may be out of my budget. Do you have any suggestions on any alternatives or know of low-cost type Dr.'s? I really appreciate any help. Take care.

Retry4z said...

Hi TBANG, I'm glad you found my blog, and I'd be happy to help in any way I can.

I have a friend who is depressed and who is also unable to afford medication. Unfortunately, not many have mental health insurance in America.

It's better to start treatment earlier for easier recovery, but depression is VERY treatable and no matter what stage you are in, it is important to not give up on treatment (although it is very hard to do when you are depressed). The fact that you recognized the signs in yourself and are seeking help means you're on the right track.

The easiest and most effective ways in managing my depression were exercise, meditation, and journaling. I also took a good multivitamin (Alive), omega-3 oil (Country Life Omega-3 Mood), and 5-HTP. Other herbal remedies include St. John’s Wort and SAM-e.

If you're interested in learning more on alternative remedies, you can read "The Chemistry of Joy" by Dr. Emmons. I also mention other suggestions in my article "Caring For Depression".

Feel free to email me (retry4z@gmail.com) if you have any questions.
All the best,